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The Snipper (Emily Booth) dentures & contact lenses

The Snipper (Emily Booth) dentures & contact lenses

The Clock King (Walter Slezak) clock patch - The Clock King's Crazy Crimes
Batman (TV)

The Clock King (Walter Slezak) clock patch - The Clock King's Crazy Crimes

Coppin (Lloyd Bridges) waistcoat
Plymouth Adventure

Coppin (Lloyd Bridges) waistcoat

Reggie Kray (Martin Kemp) jacket
Krays (The)

Reggie Kray (Martin Kemp) jacket

Set temple guard helmet
Conan the Barbarian

Set temple guard helmet

New Goblin (James Franco) prototype mask
Spider-Man 3

New Goblin (James Franco) prototype mask

Mornay (Alun Armstrong) kilt

Mornay (Alun Armstrong) kilt

Coser (John Bennett) costume - Weapon
Blake's 7

Coser (John Bennett) costume - Weapon

James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) tie
James Bond: Tomorrow Never Dies

James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) tie

Steve McGarrett (Jack Lord) costume
Hawaii Five-O

Steve McGarrett (Jack Lord) costume

The Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) motorcycle boots
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

The Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) motorcycle boots

George Lincoln Rockwell (Marlon Brando) shirt
Roots: The Next Generations

George Lincoln Rockwell (Marlon Brando) shirt

Fencing costume
James Bond: Die Another Day

Fencing costume

Gotham Rogues supporters beanie
Batman: The Dark Knight Rises

Gotham Rogues supporters beanie

The Gunslinger (Yul Brynner) shirt

The Gunslinger (Yul Brynner) shirt

Jamie Langston (Jake Lloyd) jumper
Jingle all the Way

Jamie Langston (Jake Lloyd) jumper

Convention attendee sweater
Galaxy Quest

Convention attendee sweater

THRUSH trooper costume - The Ultimate Computer Affair
Man From U.N.C.L.E (The) (TV)

THRUSH trooper costume - The Ultimate Computer Affair

Roboform (Ken Hosking) helmet - The Runaway Bride
Doctor Who

Roboform (Ken Hosking) helmet - The Runaway Bride

Captain Jack Ross (Kevin Bacon) USMC shirt
A Few Good Men

Captain Jack Ross (Kevin Bacon) USMC shirt