Red Dwarf is a British science fiction comedy series produced by BBC television, first airing on our screens is 1988 the show follows the adventures aboard the mining ship Red Dwarf. With the crew dead, killed by a radiation leak, the only survivors are Dave Lister (Craig Charles) who was in suspended animation during the disaster, and his pregnant cat who was safely sealed in the hold. Revived three million years later Lister's only companions are a life form who evolved from his cat (Danny John-Jules) and Arnold Rimmer (Chris Barrie), a hologram simulation of one of the dead crew. Initially their only company is Holly (Norman Lovett, Hattie Hayridge), the ship's slightly insane computer but in later series the Red Dwarf universe was expanded to include other characters, notably service mechanoid Kryten (Robert Llewellyn) and Lister's love interest Kristine Kochanski (Chloe Annett).
With its blend of science fiction and off the wall comedy coupled with all manner strange creatures and award winning effects sequences created at the hands of the BBC Visual Effects Department the show has garnered a cult following around the world.
The Prop Gallery are proud to present a selection of pieces from this cult television series to include a number of items which have never before been offered on the collectors market.
These pieces will be added to The Prop Gallery website on Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 and Thursday 14 August 2014 at 16:00 GMT.
In addition to this we are also offering the chance to own an original script used in the production of the show to one lucky competition winner. Click on the banner below for more information.